My Experience with Sleep Apnea and the SnoreFree Swiss Mouthpiece

My Experience with Sleep Apnea and the SnoreFree Swiss Mouthpiece

My journey in fighting sleep apnea and the effectiveness of the SnoreFree Swiss device.

For over four years, I have been struggling with daytime fatigue, snoring, and breathing interruptions.

After a thorough examination by Dr. Antoine Aschmann (ORL specialist in snoring medicine in Zurich) and the Sleep & Wake Medicine Center (Dr. Neumann), I was diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome with very deep and prolonged desaturation levels (AHI 69, average oxygen saturation at 86%, 7 hypopneas, and 248 obstructive apneas).

I was immediately recommended and provided with a CPAP device. However, I couldn't get used to it, and the problem persisted.

After losing 16 kg, undergoing nasal surgery, and using a TAP device (SCHEU company), the apneas were significantly reduced. However, this device has some disadvantages:

  • The upper and lower jaws are fixed together.
  • Drinking, speaking, and yawning are not possible.

SnoreFree Swiss Device:

In February 2024, following Dr. Neumann’s advice, I consulted Dr. Malina (Clinic Profilance, Zurich) and ProthesLab3D GmbH for a new solution. After an evaluation, Dr. Malina recommended the SnoreFree Swiss Protrusion Device, which was custom-made within a week.

This anti-snoring device has significantly improved my sleep quality and reduced my sleep apnea problem to a minimum. It is made of high-quality materials, is comfortable to wear, and is adjustable.

Comparison of Devices (CIRCUL+ Data):

  1. TAP Device

    • ODI = 27
    • Lowest average SpO2 = 71%
    • Average SpO2 = 92%
  2. SnoreFree Swiss

    • ODI = 18
    • Lowest average SpO2 = 76%
    • Average SpO2 = 93%.

I am very satisfied with this product and highly recommend it.

Thanks to Dr. Aschmann, Dr. Neumann, Dr. Malina, and Mr. De Gregorio for their support.